Patient Satisfaction

1Unit’s Nurses First and Structured Interdisciplinary  Bedside Rounds (SIBR® rounds) programs put patients at the center of their care. Routinely bringing together the care team with patients and their families for an engaging update of the care progress and plan for discharge empowers everyone to be active participants and improves patient satisfaction.

Issues are identified and addressed earlier in the hospitalization. Patient and family uncertainty, fears, and anxiety are proactively addressed through the bi-directional conversations that are SIBR rounds.

No more patient or family confusion about how care is progressing, what the plan for care is, when discharge will happen, or where the most suitable destination will be. 

SIBR units saw improvements in top-box survey scores, staff ability to explain results, patients saying they received enough information and a reduction in patient complaints.

Mechanisms of Action

SIBR rounds bring the care team together each day to discuss key changes in patient status, new pertinent information, and emerging needs.

By bringing the care team to the patient, SIBR rounds ensure a coordinated and holistic approach. Patients see the diverse team of experts collaboratively treating their condition, discussing treatment options, and addressing their specific needs and concerns.

This not only leads to more comprehensive care but also fosters a sense of inclusion and empowerment for patients as they become active participants in their own care plans. Additionally, the enhanced communication and coordination among team members results in fewer delays and smoother transitions in care, reducing anxiety and frustration for patients and their families.

SIBR rounds are a more positive, patient-centered experience where individuals feel heard, supported, and well-cared for throughout their hospital stay.

SIBR team rounds with daughter, physician, nurse, pharmacist & care manager

Get the detailed Patient Satisfaction outcomes

All the information needed to speak confidently about the outcomes.
Loma Linda Children’s Hospital
Pediatric ICU
0 %
increase in top-box survey responses
Emory University Hospital
Acute Medical Unit
0 %
point increase in avg. overall patient satisfaction score
Emory University Hospital
Acute Medical Unit
0 %
point increase in avg. overall communication scores
Pasqua Hospital
Gen med
0 %
decrease in patient compliants
Royal North Shore
Neurology Unit
0 %
increase in patient rating 'Staffs' ability to explain results
Westmead Hospital
0 %
increase in patient's rating of 'given enough information'
UC Health
Gen Med
0 pt
percentile increase for 'rate the hospital'
UC Health
Gen Med
0 pt
percentile increase for 'doctor's listened carefully to you'
St Tammany Parish Hospital
Gen Med
0 pt
percentile increase for "communication with nurses" (4th to 86th)
UC Health
Gen Med
0 pt
percentile increase for responsiveness of hospital staff (9th to 99th)

Interpretation of results

Patient Satisfaction likely improves because patients and families tend to appreciate when their care team visits them at a consistent time to share everything that is being done for them. They get their questions answered, they can share additional information and correct misinformation, and they perceive the whole care team to be on the same page.

This can reduce feelings of frustration and increase feelings of control. In addition, the patient’s goal for the day is discussed and included in the plan each day. Common patient questions like “When do I go home?”, “What are you doing for me?”, and “When can I eat?” are answered proactively during SIBR.

During my first week SIBRing, I was most surprised by how much the patients and families liked it.

We had one patient, obese with obstructive sleep apnea, uncontrolled diabetes, profoundly hypothyroid – he’d stopped taking his Synthroid – he was admitted with confusion. We got him back on CPAP, got his Synthroid restarted, and started a stimulant.

I’m seeing him before SIBR one day and he says: ‘Doc, you and your team coming in every day, no one has ever done that, you guys are unbelievable, really. I’m a pretty tough guy, but I almost want to cry.’

– Hospitalist group leader