10 Steps to Launch IBRs

IBRs are not as easy as it seems, but they are achievable if you know the steps to take.

10 Steps to Launch IBRs

IBRs are not as easy as it seems, but they are achievable if you know the steps to take.

10 Steps to Launch IBRs

IBRs are not as easy as it seems, but they are achievable if you know the steps to take.

Leadership Commitment

Develop a Charter

Develop a project charter signed by CNO, CMO, Physician Group(s), and Departments of Pharmacy and Care Management

Consistent Inputs

Standardize Bedside Handover

Standardize a nursing bedside handover process that systemizes nursing inputs to IBRs and verifies bedside compliance for 90% of nurses

Accountable Governance

Implement Unit Governance

Implement an interdisciplinary unit governance model, including a unit Medical Director with demonstrated passion for the unit and accountability for unit outcomes

Unified Approach

Choose a Shared Model

Choose an evidence-based shared mental model for the structure of daily rounds, and use it to provide profession-specific job aids to all IBR participants, including daily prep sheets, advanced skills guides, and video examples

Advanced Skills

Train Participants

Train all IBR participants in advanced individual and team skills, and evaluate each against profession-specific, codified high-performance criteria

Daily Optimization

Optimize Rounds

Develop a process for planning, managing, and evaluating rounds each day to optimize and protect quality and efficiency, and to flow daily IBR data into performance dashboards

Begin with Essentials

Launch on Alpha Unit

Launch IBRs on a qualified alpha unit, prioritizing essentials before focusing on advanced competencies; report IBR performance to unit staff

Continuous Improvement

Certify Skills

Implement a profession-specific IBR skills certification program that provides real-lime coaching to all participants based on the codified high-performance criteria

Long-Term Success

Maintain Stability

Learn from and replicate successes from the alpha unit to the next qualified unit, elevating standards for participant skills, process quality, and dyad accountability

Scaling Excellence

Replicate Success

Ensure long-term stability by responding appropriately and promptly to staff turnover and deviations in process fidelity, leveraging the IBR performance data and the unit’s leadership dyad

Operational Excellence

Achieve Excellence

Achieve high reliability clinical operations excellence across all participating units